Friday, February 04, 2005

Better world for all.

These are just my thoughts; thoughts that I am wrorking hard to live by:
I would like to see all schools have just four subjects:
COMMUNICATION: Where the official language is taught, AS WELL AS other lanuages as needed. Within this subject all aspects of communication would be explored. Where History Books are used as literature (and not as facts), since all history is flawed by the zeal of the victors.
ENGINEERING & Science: Which would cover all the math, science, etc., and would be taught from kindergarten.
HUMANITIES: Where all people would be taught to respect and appreciate other peoples and cultures. Where the arts, music, etc., would be taight.
ECONOMICS. Which would cover the subjects of business, home-economics, Banking, the stock market, etc.
All subjects would be taught from Kindergarten... Say, building a bridge from two dixie cups and a popsicle stick would be a good way to teach all the engineering disicplines, and it would be done in a practical way.

I would also like to see schools mimic real days. Go from 9:00 to 5:00, Monday through Friday. With Friday reserved as a day to go over the work covered Monday - Thursday. The weekends would be free to interact with the family. No home work.
It would also be nice if schools covered world events honestly and without bias. For example, the news media here in the USA use to be the best in the world. Now, however, because of the commercial aspects of the news, it is no longer free to report the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. There are sonsequences when the media report anything that the public sees as being anti-administration. The media, then must be careful to simple relay press releases approved by the prevailing mood. The good news is that because of the Internet, smart Americans may get real news from other sources. World news is at out finger tips, and we are free to judge the truth for ourselves.

I would like to see all religions pay taxes and treated as businesses. They are, after all, based on opinions and not facts. These schools of thought would be monitored and treated as any other business. Religious leaders would be responsible (legally and ethically) for damages caused by their teachings.

I would like to see real SCHOOLS OF THOUGHTS developed as free-thinking societies where people are free to explore the spirituality. This would be separarte from religions.

I would like to see all aspects of sex takes it rightful place oin the world as being wholesome and encouraged participants would be welcomed.


Blogger Zeme said...

Thanks for looking at my unusual blog. I found your bolg to be very real, and educational. I am especially impressed by the fact that you could appreciate your newly weds choice of venue for cunsumating their vows. Your attitude is commendable.
If only we would take sex among adults out of the closet and stop making it into something dirty and criminal.
We are ALL here because of sex.

10:58 AM  

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