Saturday, January 14, 2006

The business of religion.

Making money from religion is easy and supported by the government, but how ethical is it? How ethical is it knowing that once the religious leader has made his (or her) millions fleecing the poor and ignorant, he can still ask the poor to support his life style, and he does this without shame, guilt and with the Bible! How ethical is this.
My personal belief: I am convinced that there is a Higher Power (An observer, if you will) and that we are all spiritual beings. I need not prove that because it is MY belief. I also believe that most people believe the same: a belief in something higher than self. However to use these feelings of the ignorant to fleece money, I think, is wrong.
One such person still begs money from the poor, even though with holdings include a university, a hotel, restaurant, TV network, real estate holdings worldwide and, rumor has it; gold & diamond mines worldwide... Supposedly this idividual is wotrh some $5 billion dollars. How can he ask a single mother to take food from her baby and send him 10% of her income? The better question is why does relgions still enjoy tax-free status? Religion is a BUSINESS that uses FEAR, Hate and ignorance as it's main themes for getting money!
Yes. Religion is still the fastest way to make money, but how ethical and proper is it?